Thursday 18 May 2017

Hindi kay Jesus tumutukoy ang sinabi ni Tomas na "MY GOD" sa JUAN 20:28

Malaki ang posibilidad na HINDI SI CRISTO talaga ang TINUKOY ni TOMAS nang sabihin niya ang salitang "MY GOD" o "DIOS KO" sa JUAN 20:28...

Dahil ang sinabi ni THOMAS sa GREEK ay:

“ο κυριος μου και ο θεος μου”


Ang sinabi ni TOMAS ay "HO THEOS" [ ο θεος ]

Eh kanino ba tumutukoy ang "THEOS" [ θεος ] kapag may nakakabit na DEFINITE ARTICLE na "HO" [ο ]???

Sabi sa Strong Concordance:

"Strongs# 02316: theos: a deity, figuratively, a magistrate. Especially (when used with #3588, the definite article "Ho"): the supreme Divinity; by Hebraism, very God [Almighty God, YHVH the Father of Jesus.]"

Maliwanag ang sabi ni STRONG na kapag ang "THEOS" ay may kasamang DEFINITE ARTICLE na "HO" at ang bigkas ay "HO THEOS", ito ay tumutukoy sa "ALMIGHTY GOD, YHVH the FATHER OF JESUS."

At malinaw din na pinatutunayan ng mga aklat na ito na ang “HO THEOS” ay tumutukoy sa AMA:

‘IN MANY INSTANCES when the def. art. HO occurs before THEOS, God, PARTICULAR REFERENCE IS MADE TO GOD THE FATHER (Zodhiates, Spiros, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN (1992), p. 730).”

"God" in Greek "HO THEOS", ALWAYS MEANS THAT FATHER WHOM JESUS REVEALED, identical with the "HO THEOS" of the Old Testament, YAHWEH." [The Power and Wisdom: An Interpretation of the New Testament, by John L. McKenzie, page 133].

Malinaw na hindi talaga kay JESUS tumutukoy ang sinabi ni TOMAS na..."MY GOD" [ο θεος μου - "HO THEOS MOU", kaya hindi siya SINAWAY ni JESUS sa tagpong iyon, dahil alam ni Jesus na hindi para sa kaniya ang sinabi ni Tomas na “MY GOD” o "DIYOS KO".


  1. pwede poh ba pakibigyan ng paLiwanag yung GENESIS 21:20

  2. The presence of conjunction "and" in John 20:28 proved that it was Jesus that Thomas was referring to.

    so it's like "and ganda mo at sexy pa"
    can u say the later description referred to other person? No!

    we always use "and" when u want to add something to describe to please the person. unless they omitted it then it would make a difference from my claim.
    surely ur confusing this simple wording of Thomas.

    1. There were so many passages that Jesus was referred to as God or son of God. u can't say God begets man or a spirit begets human.
      there are some instances that it happened like what he did to Adam when he was called the son of God. Because he was created by God and therefore the son of God.

      However, Jesus was called the son of God thru baptism.
      the perfect description must be "the begotten son of God" which mean he was a distinctive born of God thru the holy spirit.
      he was formed inside the womb thru the sperm in the form of the Holy spirit which make him a unique kind. because it came from God's sperm then it's understood that God begot Jesus.
      All of us are sons of God in a physical form, But only those will be called spiritual sons of God if u r guided by the holy spirit.

  3. See this form of sentence in the bible?

    John 20:28
    New International Version (NIV)

    28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

    Thomas said his word in reference to only one man which states as "My Lord AND My God"

    Thomas must have read this when he state his word.

    Isaiah 9:6
    And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    whatever the result of this discussion it turned out that Jesus was and is God at the end.

  4. However, Mr. Lim John we can also state senteces of two or more subjects. The subjects in the verse are the two, The God and The Lord.

  5. Marjun, u need to enhance ur bible study more. There were no two subjects there when he faced the person of interest. Try.

  6. Thomas said TO HIM: Who? Of course, it was Jesus and nothing more.
    What did Thomas say after touch? He said in reference of him, MY Lord AND My God.
    it's clear and u don't have to argue more than we read.

    so it's like, "Ang Gwapo mo at ang Macho pa"
    this is how we use "and" in the sentence.
    He wasn't surprise. because he stayed there long before he initiate the examine.

    how could the iglesya added it when it mentioned nothing?

  7. The pronoun "My God" made Thomas'sentence more accurate in reference to Jesus.

    If he claimed his "My God" in reference to God the father.
    then the bible scribblers should have explained the usage of "My God" with consistency instead of writing "Our God" which is more respectful and accurate to apply.

    Have u been using "My God" in the midst of ur Brothers and sisters? No, Of course not! it would be impractical & insensible for the rest.
    "Our God" is more accurate!

    -end discussion.

  8. ["God" in Greek "HO THEOS", ALWAYS MEANS THAT FATHER WHOM JESUS REVEALED, identical with the "HO THEOS" of the Old Testament, YAHWEH." [The Power and Wisdom: An Interpretation of the New Testament, by John L. McKenzie, page 133]

    Of course! God is the Father and the head of the family. Why? Because he is the creator of all things. Creation made himself a Father of all things.

    Yet we read that it was Jesus, created all things under the administration of God.

    is there a conflict of interest between the Father? No!
    if we read Isaiah 9:6 of what it says the description of the son.
    "For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
    And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

    he was called the Son and later the Father accordingly.

    again, is there a conflict of interest in between ?

    u see, Being a Father in heaven defines a position as a creator. it's an office assumed by one member of God.

    They are plural in form but singular in usage. John explained that there were Two member of God. i can not say "Gods" since this is the way a collective group used in a grammatical structure.
    Both Jesus and the other member belonged to the group called God.
    The Genesis tells that God created the world, but in the New testament it was Jesus who created. so if we analyze the whole concept it appears that Jesus had been God all along in the past. He was called the Father and later the son. it's an office where everyone can assume.

    1. Its some versions that call Jesus the Creator, however, they are wrong. Rather John 1:3 should say "All things were created through or in Christ." not by Christ. Notice what Ephesians 2:10 says: " For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life."
      Notice we are God the Father's workmanship, or created by God the Father, in Christ, not by Christ. The problem is that many bibles are Translated based on the False doctrine of the Trinity which came out of Babylon. This why most people can no decipher the difference between the LORD GOD, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
      But God has given us as example both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and that is the example of God Almighty-the DELIVERER, and Moses-The Deliver. Although they are both called a Deliverer, we know who actually saved the Israelite's. Acts 7:37-37 which is symbolically speaking about Jesus. 'The God of your forefathers will raise up a prophet (Jesus) like me (Moses) you must listen to him.
      Moses was not GOD Almighty, nor did Moses become God Almighty. The same applies to Jesus. God Almighty is called THE SAVIOR (1 Tim 1:1), Jesus is also called a Savior (2 Tim 1:10). God Almighty THE SAVIOR Sacrificed his only begotten Son to save us from the sin of Adam. So we have a Master Savior (The Master of the Plan), and a Sacrificial Savior (who willingly followed the plan). The relationship between God Almighty and Moses is the Same between God Almighty and Jesus, they both were Sons of God, and both doing the will of God Almighty.

    2. ["All things were created through or in Christ." not by Christ?]

      True! Jesus was with the father when he created the heavens and earth.
      the process of creation in fact is understood a family business. the father as a planner is the one who authorize and Jesus is the executioner.

      Gen 1:26 defines that the creation was actually a begettal process, like feeding a child in a womb. this is the way they do it.

      the definition of God if we employed the Gen 2:24 is parents composed of a Father and a Mother.

      with the process of begetting a child, It's therefore conclude that God is expanding his own kind, a family of God.

      yes, Jesus is God. the word God's Kingdom can be translated as God's family.

      pls see ur dictionary about the meaning of kingdom

    3. (John 1:3 should say "All things were created through or in Christ.")

      Why is it so hard for u to understand this context?

      Have u read Jn 10:30 that says, I and the father are one?

      He never said two but one.

      The definition of one or oneness can be interpreted by employing Gen 2:24 that says,
      24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

      Two became one according to Moses.
      But to surprise u, Adam as a man had a one set of parents just as a normal family. Since Adam was called the son of God, we're not surprised to read about it of having parents in the form of God and of course, the human too was created after the likeness of God, not in the likeness of man.

      So it's normal for him to call God his parents. it's the same way Adam is called the son of God

      So how could Adam be called the son of God if there was only one and individual God?

      in order to beget a son there has to be a one set of parents, right? could u prove it in the Genesis book how did adam become the son of the living God?

      sure, u can't prove it since there was nothing there except the Gen 2:24 that states:

      Genesis 2:24
      New International Version (NIV)
      24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

      if we ignore this passage then being a son of God is just a word that has no meaning.

      however, God doesn't play with his own words. he speaks and he fulfills based on truth.

      yes, Creation identifies the creator. But who is the creator?

      In Genesis 1:26 states:
      “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

      the pronoun "us" and "our" betrays the number of involve in the creation. both are in plural form and no doubt the creator is itself a more than one creator.

      so many religions have tried to explain of who is really with God in the creation time?

      John 1:1 states:
      and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

      it's plain that God has a coexistence partner and probably a close relative bearing the same surname "God" so if God's full name is John God, then his relative must be Paul God. this is how we simplify those words in a plain and logical meaning.

      here, the meaning of God in Hebrew is Elohim and not Eloha.

      Moses had so many times been contemplating of writing with precision before he wrote down the word "Elohim" to fit exactly to the plural nouns he employed in writing.

      So why didn't he use "Eloha" if it's a singular God in the first place?
      this is a knock out punch question for people who believed in one God.

    4. Lastly, how can we prove Adam that he was born the son of God in Genesis book? or something he came from the begettal process to prove of his sonship?

      Let's analyze the exact wording in Gen 1:26 that states:
      Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

      According to Genesis 2:24, man has a set of parents before he unites with his wife.

      so if a man's parents is God then it's understood that the composition of God must be a Father and a Mother.

      ex. God = Father and Mother or Elohim = Eloha + Eloha

      To resolve this problem we can now replace the word "God" in Genesis 1:26.

      let's try.
      Then [ the Father said to the Mother] , “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

      how do u understand the statement? it's a romantic statement requires for a loving couple who wants to have a child. it's actually a love statement like in the modern fashion of saying to ur wife, "let's share this night together.."

      it can liken into a song, "Always"

      ....Come with me my sweet,
      Let's go make a family,.....
      .....And they will bring us joy, for always

      who is the mother then in Gen 2:24?

      the mother in genesis 2:24 doesn't require a female to do the role of a mother.

      sometime a Father can assume the role of a mother to fill the vacant slot n a family.

      we read in Jn 1:1 that the phrase "word was God" refers to Jesus Christ.
      he has a multiple character assumption in the bible.

      he was called a teacher, a priest, a gardener, a carpenter, the father and the son of God.

      the Church is the body of Christ but also presumed as a woman.

      little did we know that Jesus assumed the role of a mother in Genesis 2:24.

      this is one of the new discoveries so far I found in reading the bible.

      so it's more of a breakthrough in finding Jesus whose role is a lot of bigger than what we have though to have learned from these religions of the world.

    5. So it's wrong to say that our first parents is Adam and eve.
      it's not biblical. Our first parents is God just like what Jesus said,

      "And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven"

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  11. The context of Thomas saying 'My Lord and my God' does not supersede Jesus words @ John 17:20 where Jesus call the the Father his GOD! And besides we don't get our theology from a doubting Thomas, doubting that Jesus was resurrected until he see and feel Jesus wounds. Thomas was not doubting whether or not Jesus is the Son of God or God! Thomas was doubting whether or not Jesus has been resurrected! Understand the context.
    Now lets go up in heaven and prove once and for all who is GOD Almighty, and who is not. Revelation 1:1 "A revelation by Jesus, WHICH GOD (THE FATHER) gave him (Jesus). Why is God the Father giving Jesus the revelation or scroll if Jesus is GOD Almighty? If Jesus is God Almighty, no one should be revealing or giving Jesus anything!
    2.Please Read Revelation 5:1-7. Now ask your yourself, why is Jesus (The symbolic Lamb-John 1:29) taking the book or scroll of Revelation OUT OF THE RIGHT HAND OF THE ONE that sits on the Supreme Throne?(GOD THE FATHER). That's two separate beings up there in Heaven. Further proof that Jesus is not GOD Almighty. Keep in mind that Jesus received the Scroll in Heaven, not on earth. (So you Trinity people can't use the excuse that Jesus was not fully God until he goes back to heaven).
    The Father wrote the scroll of revelation (The Father tells Jesus how it will end) and revealed it to Jesus. Jesus did not write the scroll, therefore Since God the Father wrote and reveal the scroll To Jesus, then Jesus is not GOD ALMIGHTY!

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    8. The context of Thomas saying 'My Lord and my God' does not supersede Jesus words]

      of course. it was the Iglesya ni Manalo and its ministers superseded the word of Thomas by employing their own interpretations or so.

      Thomas was not confused when he met Jesus in person.
      he touched Jesus and convinced it wasn't a ghost.

      if the uttered word "My God" refers to God alone, then how selfish he would have been in the midst of his brothers.

      the appropriate description must be "Our God" since Jesus claimed his father as his God.

      Jn 20:17 ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

      ex. To my Father and your father means our father, to my God and your God means Our God.

      this is the rule of the bible and not in any other way around.

      so it's definitely wrong to say that Thomas invoke the name of God the father in the presents of Jesus. in fact, He called Jesus, God as a support to what Jesus said.

      Jn 20:26 ...Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

      Luke 24:39
      39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

      it might be that Thomas was convinced it was Jesus when as a human entered through the door without unlocking it to open. he possessed the power to become a spirit and a human just like the characteristic of the three angels in the Sodom and Gomorah when they met Abraham.

      how dare u added words to his mouth.

    9. What are the qualities of the three angels in the time of Abraham?

      Genesis 18:
      2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby.

      8 He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree.

      22 The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.

      Genesis 19:1
      19 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city.

    10. Is it three men? Or three angels?

      Gen 18:2, Abraham saw three men.
      Gen 18:22, the two men went to Sodom, while the other one man stayed with Abraham.

      So 3 - 1 = 2 men.

      Gen 19:1, two angels arrived in Sodom.


      the two men of Gen 18:22 who went to Sodom are two angels of the Gen 19:1 as the two arrived and ate with Lot.

      So angels could have the abilities to be transformed into human beings, a kind of human who can eat food with another human being like what they did to Abraham.

      Their qualities are not far from the qualities of Jesus when he met & ate with Thomas and the rest of the disciples.

    11. (So you Trinity people can't use the excuse that Jesus was not fully God until he goes back to heaven)

      Ur mistaken about me. I'd never been a born Catholic nor a worshipper of their art, dolls and cadavers; who teaches about a three head god; who always crucifies their Christ every Sunday; who claimed they possessed a key to heaven.

      These are the kind who lust after the material things. They invested more time in politics rather than in their spiritual duty.

      I believe in God in a way as our parents which composed of a father and a mother; whose goal is to expand a family of God through the human being.

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    13. that's why the human was created after God's likeness and not in the likeness of man.
      So it's biblical to say that human can be described as a God or a God's son but only in the flesh.

      We don't need to go further beyond to this point. He'd already been revealed as a parent to humankind.

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  18. im jw

    was jesus also called God?

    although jesus never claimed to be God, as Jehovah's appointed ruler he is identified in isaiah's prophecy by the term" mighty God" and prince of peace.isaiah's prophecy adds:to the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end. isaiah 9:6,7 so,as the prince the son of the great king Jehovah. jesus will serve as ruler of the heavenly government of God almighty Jehovah.

    yet, a person may ask, in what sense is jesus a " mighty God " and didnt the apostle john say that jesus is himself God?

  19. in the king james version of the bible john 1:1 In the beginning was the word,and the word was with God,and the word was God.

    if this verse were interpreted to mean jesus was himself God almighty it would contradict the preceding statement "the word was with God"
    someone who is " with another person cannot be the same as that other person.

    many bible translations thus draw a distinction, making clear that the word was not God almighty for example, a sampling of bible translations say the following "the word was s god" a god was the word " the word was divine"

    bible verses that in the greek language have a construction similar to that of john 1:1 use the expression " a god " for example, who referring to herold agrippa 1, the crowds shouted it is a god speaking, and when paul survived a bite by poisonous snake,the people said "he is a god act 12:22,28:3-6. "a god voice,and not a man's. it is in harmony with both greek grammar and bible teaching to speak of the word as not God but a god john 1:1

  20. why,then one may ask,did thomas exclaim when seeing the resurrected jesus "my lord and my god" as already noted jesus is a god in the sense of being divine, but he is not the father.

    the apostle thomas exclaimed in john 20:28 my god this and other account were written down that we may believes that jesus is the christ the son of God.and thomas was not contradicting jesus who had sent his disciples the message " i am ascending God and your God " john thomas did not think that jesus was almighty God.thomas may have addressed jesus as " my God " in the sense of christ being a god though not " the only true God " in john 17:3.

  21. to: limjohn.
    sabi mo: then The said to the mother" let us make mankind in our image,in our likeness" genesis 1:26.

    sa talata na sinipi mo wala namang mother.bakit e inside comments na mayrong mother.kung e connect mo ang talata sa genesis 2:24 hindi yan tumotukoy kay jesus na mother of genesis.

    the bible tells us that God said let us made man genesis 1:26 do you know whom God was talking to?

    sabi nila ang mga anghel daw ang kausap ng Diyos jan sa talata dahil hindi pa daw umiiral si jesus.

    ang katotohanan po:he was talking to his son.hindi po sa mother.
    he was talking to the one who later came to earth and bacame jesus. mayron ba tayong patotoo na anak talaga ang kausap nya at hindi yong mother?

    proverb 30:4 new world translation

    "who has ascended to heaven and then descended?who has gathered the wind in the palms of both hands?who has wrapped up the waters in his garment?who has established all the ends of the earth?what is his name and the name of his son_ if you know?
    answer: is jesus christ the son of God.

  22. genesis 2:24 that is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife,and they will become one flesh.

    ano bang ibig sabihin sa talata?
    ayon sa isang reperensya ang pandiwang hebreo na isinaling "pipisan sa gen 2:24 ay maaaring mangahulugan ng pangunguyapit sa isa taglay ang pagmamahal at pagkamatapat.

    ang pangunahing layunin nito ay ang pagpaparami ng mga miyembro ng pamilya ng tao upang mas marami pang tao ang umiral. ang pag aasawa nila adan at eva ay itinakda ng Diyos bilang wastong kaayosan na iisa lang ang asawa at hindi marami asawa.

    ang pagiging" isang laman" ay hindi lamang basta pagsasama sa iisang bubong nangangahulugan ito na ang asawang lalaki at babae ay bubuo ng isang bagong pamilya.

    being made in God's image human have the capacity to reflects gogly attributes.surely we should cultivate such qualities as love,kindness, goodness,wisdom,patience reflecting the one who made us.

    the creator is a spirit he does not have a physical body as we we are in his image in that we can reflect his personality,displaying a measure of his fine qualities.
    ito po ang mga punto sa genesis 2:24.

  23. ang doctrines about God,s family at pag aasawa ng Diyos literally ay galing sa pagano.


    osiris was the most popular of the gods of egypt.osiris was married to isis a goddess her baby name's horus.
    father is osiris
    mother is isis
    son is horus.

    astoret a goddess of the canaanites considered Baal's wife.
    astoret often describes as a naked woman who has sexually exaggerated sexually.this idol worship was widespread in various people of ancient times.

  24. genesis 2:24

    genesis 3:20-after this adam named his wife eve,because she was to become the mother of everyone living.
    eve she was to become the mother of everyone living human literally.

    mother:figurative use

    the word "mother" is applied in the sense of a woman who assist and cares for others.

    woman composed of many spiritual persons, a heavenly organization.

    ang mother o asawa ng Diyos in figurative use composed of many spiritual persons.hindi ito tumutukoy sa iisang persona gaya ng sinabi nya sa israel na naging asawa nya.
    kaya ang depensa ko sa talata sa genesis 2:24 ay hindi talaga si jesus ang tinutukoy na mother jan.

  25. Personal Opinion can not be called the word of God. Kht nsa biblya na u keep pressing to depend on ur own understanding.
    In Luke 3:38 Adam was called the son of God and like the rest of his generation Adam's parents must be composed of two entities called parents.
    So, in short, the creation of man is also an act of begetting.
    He is a creation and at the same time the son of God. How can u refute that he has no parents?

  26. So again the process of begetting must have the same pattern of fathering a son.
    Jesus has a mother although born of God's spirit is an example of having been born in a family and likewise a model of creation. The same analogy applies to Adam's creation which likewise must be subjected to the begettal process.
    So now to prove Adam as a son of God, where in the genesis that Adam was called the son of God?

  27. God's head according jesus christ of latter day saints.

    God's head

    God the father
    jesus or jehova the son
    holy spirit

    also believes that there are other gods and goddesses outside the Godhead such as a heavenly mother.

    ang tanong saan po ba nabibilang si cristo sa heavenly mother or sa Godhead?

    if jesus and jehovah are one? anong pangalan sa God the father?

    noong hindi pa nag exist ang god the mother or heavenly mother at si jesus as jehovah the son? matatawag ba ang Diyos na God the father?

    1. Is there a conflict of interest between Gen 1:26 & 2:24?

      Let's analyze the exact wording in Gen 1:26 that states:
      Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

      According to Genesis 2:24, man has a set of parents before he unites with his wife.

      so if a man's parents is God then it's understood that the composition of God must be a Father and a Mother.

      ex. God = Father and Mother or Elohim = Eloha + Eloha

      To resolve this problem we can now replace the word "God" in Genesis 1:26.

      let's try.
      Then [ the Father said to the Mother] , “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

      how do u understand the statement? it's a romantic statement requires for a loving couple who wants to have a child. it's actually a love statement like in the modern fashion of saying to ur wife, "let's share this night together.."

  28. However, there is no conflict between the two verses. Because both are in Genesis and both are written by Moses.

    The word Elohim is in a collective noun composed of more than one yet still counted as one God unified in marriage according to 2:24.

    This proves that God's description can be described as a married God as supported in 1:26 to 2:24.

    It's simplified, Jesus is the creator who creates as instructed by the father is the same way as, a mother is engaged in sexual intercourse with a father, but the mother is the one who is forming a child inside her womb like Jesus who exactly creates a man fashioned after their likeness or inherited the features of both involved.

  29. Minsan kpg nag do ang magasawa lagi_nila cnsbi, sana kamukha natin_ang anak natin.
    Ganito rin cnbi ng Father sa Mother, mag create tau ng tao ayon sa ating wangis.
    Parehas ba? Maliban nlng kung mahina ang kokote mo.

  30. ...dahil ang ginawa nila ay naging pattern kung paano magpsmilya. Tandaan po natin ang babae ay hinugot sa lalaki at ndi direktang galing sa alabok kgya ng lalaki peru parehong anak din ng Diyos o nilalang pra sbhing magkapatid cla.
    It demonstrates that only Adam was the son of God according to Luke and Eve, his wife became God's daughter according to the law of marriage. So both can now be called the children of God.
    Ganyan tayu magpsliwanag_walang halong doctrina_ng tao

  31. sabi mo: that the composition of God must be a father and a mother.

    so,ibig mong sabihin sir hindi pwedi magka-anak ang Diyos kung walang mother? patunayan mo sa biblia hindi galing sa book of mormons.

    sabi mo:its a romantic statement requires for a loving couple who wants to have a child.its actually a love statement like in the modern fashion of saying to ur wife,let's share this nigth together.

    so,ibig mo bang sabihin ang Diyos mo may erus love,to feel attractions her wives to make sexual entercoure? ito bay teaching ni joseph smith?

    sabi mo: its simplified,jesus is the creator.
    ang depensa ko si cristo po ay hindi creator sa langit man o lupa.


    iba ang manager kay sa assistant manager.

    iba yong nurse kay sa nursing aid.

    iba yong Chief cook kay sa katulong ng chief cook.

    sabi mo:the father is the same way as,a mother is engaged in sexual intercourse with the father.

    so,ibig mo bang sabihin your God the father and your god the mother may sexual gender?

    sabi mo: minsan kpg nag do ang magasawa lagi_nila cnbi,sana kamukha natin_ang anak natin ganito rin cnabi ng father sa mother,mag create tau ng tao ayon sa ating wangis.parehas ba? maliban nlang kung mahina ang kokote mo"

    oo mahina talaga ang teaching nyo wala kasing guidance from the holy spirit kasi pilit ninyong e connect ang teaching ng book of mormons sa biblia.ang book of mormons nagkokontradik sa teaching ng biblia.

    sabi ng biblia worship only true God. pro ang tinuturo mo worship many Gods.diba nag kokontradik?

    kaya nga tinanong kita nang ganito
    "noong hindi pa nag exist ang god the mother or heavenly mother at si jesus as jehovah himself the son, matatawag ba ang God na God the father? pls wag mong lagpasan ito.

  32. matatawag ba ang inyong God as a father kung walang asawa o mother at walang anak? ang pag uusapan natin dito ay literal.

  33. sabi mo: tandaan po natin ang babae ay hinugot sa lalake.

    so tanong: saan galing ang mother God mo ito bay galing sa lalakeng God the father mo? ang mother God mo ba parang si eve na hinugot ng lalake?

  34. [sabi mo: that the composition of God must be a father and a mother.

    so,ibig mong sabihin sir hindi pwedi magka-anak ang Diyos kung walang mother? patunayan mo sa biblia hindi galing sa book of mormons]

    let's not discuss it away from the verses.
    2:24 cnbi n me father at mother c adan, korek?
    1:26 cnbi ng father n nais nia lumalang ng tao peru ayon sa knlng wangis.

    minn lwakin natin ang ating pangunawa at alisin natin kung anu ang gumugulo sa mga utak ntin.

    2:24 napatunayan na me father at mother c adan kya tinwag syang anak ng Diyos ayon sa Luke 3 which mean the parents brings forth a son from their intimate relaionship as a couple and we found out that the parents of adam is God which mean God is composed of a father and a mother. ndi mabubuo ang tao kung walang mamagitan sa knlng dalawa. pwd kb magkaanak kung walang asawa?

    sa 1:26 cnbi ng Diyos, gumawa tau ng tao ayon s ating wangis. dhil ang God nga ayon s 2:24 ay Father at Mother.
    so ganun nmn pla n God s 1:26 ay bumubuo ng father and mother.

    pwd b natin i subsitute ang Father ang mother s God ng 1:26? pwede!

    kaya ang kalalabasan ay ganito.
    cnbi ng Father sa Mother: lalangin natin ang tao ayon sa ating wangis.

    kpg nka engkuwentro k ng katagang "ayon sa ating wangis" ano papasok sa kokote mo?
    ito ay intimate statement na ang asawang lalaki ay humihiling n maging kamukha nila ang knlng anak.

    maliwanag db?

  35. pwd b natin i subsitute ang Father ang mother ng 2:24 s God ng 1:26?

    wag po kau matakot. simpleng analysis lng ito pra malaman nio ang tunay na Diyos ng biblia. itapon po natin yang basurang doktrina ninyo n pawang gawa lng tao.

  36. im jw

    Jehovah God,who has existed for all times was alone before creation.

    lilinawin ko po hindi palang nagsimula ang creation na recorded sa genesis 1:1 ang Diyos na jehova ay nag iisa and who has existed for all times.

    so malinaw wala pa siyang begotten son at mga anak na mga angel.

    at lalong lalo na wala talagang asawa ang Diyos na ipilit ni sir the mother.

    patotoo sa biblia:

    awit 90:1,2 o jehova,ikaw ang naging tahanan namin sa lahat ng henerasyon.
    bago naisilang ang mga bundok o bago mo ginawa ang lupa at ang mabungang lupain "mula sa panahong walang pasimula hanggang sa panahong walang wakas. ikaw ang Diyos.

    1timo 1:17 maparangalan nawa at maluluwalhati magpakailan man ang haring walang hanggan,na nabubuhay magpakailanman at di nakikita,ang nag iisang Diyos.

    habacuc 1:12 "hindi ba ikaw ay mula sa walang hanggan,o Jehova?o aking Diyos,aking Banal na Diyos hindi ka namamatay.....

    so malinaw sa talata nag iisang talata walang God the mother,walang God's parent.

    ang talata gen 1:26 at sa gen 2:24 na may parents god is false doctrine.

    dahil ang gen 2:24 ay tumutukoy yan ni eva ang mother ng human being .at si adan ang unang tao.kaya siya ang father ng human being din.

    sa karagdagan ang paliwanag ko hinggil sa gen 2:24 ay nasa itaas.

    sa gen 1:26 in what sense na sinabi ng Diyos lalangin natin ang tao ayon ating wangis?ang paliwanag ko ay nasa itaas na post.

    ang ibig bang sabihin lalangin natin ang tao ayon sa ating wangis ,ay ang pag buo ng pamilya gaya ng tao na may sexual entercourse?

    sagot:hindi po, ito ang patotoo sa biblia

    isaias 46:5 "kanino ako itutulad o ipapantay o ihahambing na para bang magkapareho kami?

    exodo 9:14 " para malaman mong walang sinuman ang tulad ko sa buong lupa"

    oseas 11:9 "Dahil ako ay Diyos hindi tao"

  37. ang tanong ko:

    magkaroon ba ng anak ang Diyos kahit walang asawa?

    sagot: Oo,yes na yes

  38. ang lucas 3:38 walang kontradiksyon ang biblia kaya si adan ay anak ng ang mga anghel anak ng Diyos at si jesus anak ng Diyos at yong nga anointed na mga cristiano ay anak ng Diyos.hindi kailangan ng babae o asawa ang Diyos para lang manganak.

  39. [dahil ang gen 2:24 ay tumutukoy yan ni eva ang mother ng human being .at si adan ang unang tao.kaya siya ang father ng human being din.]

    talaga? basahin nga natin

    That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

    sinong lalaki ito? yun article na "a" sa "a man" refers to a particular man. isang individual na lalaki ang pinaguusapan at sya nga ay c Adan.
    ngayun kung ipipilit mo n s mga anak niya yan, ikakasal p lng cla bkt paguusapan yun anak? nonesense diba?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. [lilinawin ko po hindi palang nagsimula ang creation na recorded sa genesis 1:1 ang Diyos na jehova ay nag iisa and who has existed for all times.]

    saan cnbing iisa ang Diyos sa Gen 1:1? iwasan po natin magdagdag ng mga wala sa biblya kgya ng Gen 1:1.

    sa original manuscript ang salitang God ay Elohim. isa syang collective noun. eloha ay sngular. bakit ginamit ni Moses ang elohim imbes eloha na isahang Dyos?

    ndi totoong isa lng ang Diyos at isa lng ang lumalang. doktrina nio basura! wala lht s biblya nyan. cnbi n nga ni John na ang lht ay ndi mailalang kung wala c Qristo. dhl sya ang lumalang ng sangkatauhan.

    paulit ulit n lng tau nyan at ilan beses ko b i post un talata iba prin ang pagkakaintindi mo. gusto mo b tagalog biblya ang gamitin natin? grabe ka magbasa nka pikit ang mata

  42. [ang lucas 3:38 walang kontradiksyon ang biblia kaya si adan ay anak ng ang mga anghel anak ng Diyos at si jesus anak ng Diyos at yong nga anointed na mga cristiano ay anak ng Diyos.hindi kailangan ng babae o asawa ang Diyos para lang manganak.]

    Juice ko! lumalabas ayaw mo tanggapin ang hamon ng biblya n ang Diyos ay magasawa.
    ang relasyon ng tao s Diyos ay ndi katulad ng mga pagano n ang tingin nila s Diyos ay isang walang anyo, walang hugis peru umiiral kgya ng diyos nhg mga muslim. ang relasyon n ito ay Master-servant relationship. yan ang tatak nila. samantala ang biblya ay nagtuturo ng pagpapamilya, family relationship. ang doktrina ninyo ay malapit sa Master-servant relationship. dhl ang servant ay ndi pwd makialam sa ginagawa ng knyang master.

    tingnan nio un cnbi ni Qristo.

    [You are My friends if you do what I command you.
    15No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you]

    so walang nagiisang Diyos ang pwd gumawa ng anak at ito ay npatunayan ni JOhn n kung wala c Qristo imposible mailalang ng the father ang tao.

  43. [so malinaw sa talata nag iisang talata walang God the mother,walang God's parent.

    ang talata gen 1:26 at sa gen 2:24 na may parents god is false doctrine.]

    takot ka pala sa hamon ng biblya kaya panay ang yakap mo s mga maling turo ng pastor ninyo. wala n nga tau magagawa dyan. pagisipan mo maige yan bka napipilitan kalang.

  44. [kaya nga tinanong kita nang ganito
    "noong hindi pa nag exist ang god the mother or heavenly mother at si jesus as jehovah himself the son, matatawag ba ang God na God the father? pls wag mong lagpasan ito.]

    maraming character c qristo n kanyang ginampanan kgya ng nkasaad sa Isa 9:6. anak sya at sya p rin ang ama. kya nga un God the mother of Gen 2:24 makes his task to even more incredible. of course, its just only an office at ndi klngan n maging babae ka. ang ama nga pwd maging ina kung wala un asawa. thats the best logic.

    Ngayun, paano naging the Father ang God sa Genesis, at paano naging anak c adan? i'm sure ndi mo ito masasagutan unless na sumagot ng puro wala s biblya.

  45. im jw

    maling mali ang iyong pagkaunawa kasi naka focus ka sa genesis 1:1 sa talata na yan alam ko ang elohim get's mo?

    sabihin ko ulit para maliwanagan ka ng husto. e repost ko.

    lilinawin ko po hindi palang nagsimula ang creation na recorded sa gen 1:1 si Jehovah God has existed for all times was alone before creation had beginning.

    ang sinipi ko ay ang awit 90:2 ang sabi " na walang pasimula....ikaw nag iisang Diyos.

    bakit sa awit 90:2 ilan jan ang Diyos?umiral na ba jan ang creation na nasa genesis 1:1 in the begenning God created heavens and earth?

    sa awit 90:2 hindi pa nga umiral si jesus jan ehh.

    alam mo ba kung kailan umiral si jesus bago siya nagkatawang tao?

  46. excuse me sir nakadilat mata ko sir hehehe ikaw lang ata tong naka dikit kasi hindi mo nakuha ang mga punto ko.

    bakit sir nag Question ba ako sa genesis 1:1 about elohim? bakit gen 1:1 lang ne repost mo hindi po sinipi ang awit 90:2 sige nga ikaw naman talaga matalino sa english ehh ako bobo.

    tanong ko:
    ang awit 90:2 at ang juan 1:1 at ang kawikaan 8:22 at ang genesis 1:1 iisa lang ba ang pakahulugan nito ayon sa biblia? sige nga paki explain po kasi ikaw naman tong matalino gaya ng genesis mother mo.hehehehe

  47. mamaya explain ko sayo paano manganak ang Diyos na walang asawa o babae. kasi lowbat na cp ko.

  48. im jw

    sabi mo: Ang Ama nga pwd maging ina kung wala un asawa.that's the best logic.


    o nga naman sir noh? eh bakit ang God the father mo kailangan pang maghanap ng asawa kung may kakayahan din siyang maging asawa? maliban lang kung ang God the father mo walang powers....di po ba.

    ate ko nga naging ama at ina kahit walang asawa!!!

    sabi mo: anak sya at sya p rin ang ama.
    ganun ba dahil sa juan 10:30?

    pansinin natin doctrina nila

    1.God the father-name father
    2.father the son-name jesus or jehova at the same time the mother of genesis.

    result:dalawang Ama

    kokontra sa talata na sinipi nya
    mateo 23:9 "iisa ang inyong ama na nasa langit"

    baka ito ang tamang statement

    siya ang anak na magiging Ama!

  49. im jw
    sabi mo:paano naging anak c adan?
    sabi mo pa:ngaun kung ipipilit mo n s mga anak niya yan, ikakasal pa lang cla bkt pag uusapan yun anak?nonsense diba?

    balik tayo sa kender "kwento sa bibliya" ginawa ng Diyos ang unang lalaki at babae.

    pagkatapos,ginawa ng Diyos ang unang lalake,si adan,mula sa alikabok at hinipan niya ang mga butas ng ilong naging buhay na tao ang lalaki.

    ibinigay ni jehova kay adan ang trabahong alagaan ang hardin at bigyan ng pangalan ang lahat ng hayop.tapos nagbigay ng mahalagang utos si Jehova nasa gen 2:17, tapos sinabi ni jehova gagawa ako ng isang katulong para kay adan.

    pagkatapos,ginamit ng Diyos ang isang tadyang ni adan para gumawa ng isang babae na magiging asawa ni adan.

    sa genesis 2:22 at dinala niya ang babae sa kinasal ng Diyos.
    pre-nup na mababasa sa genesis 2:23,24 at inutusan ng Diyos si adan at eva na magkaanak para dumami ang tao sa lupa.
    recorded sa genesis 1:28.

    so mali ang sinabi mo na ikakasal p lang sila.

    sa talata genesis 2:24 kinasal na nga sila.ito ang may sense.hehehe

  50. nakadalo ka na ba sir ng kasalan? may mga sumpaan at may mga tuntunin.

  51. ang mga tuntunin na mga iyon ipapasa para sa kanilang nga anak. sa madaling salita si adan at eva ang unang pamilya sa lupa.

  52. (ang mga tuntunin na mga iyon ipapasa para sa kanilang nga anak)

    Cnbi bng tuntunin?
    Ang asawang babae ba ay ndi ksma?
    Malinaw ang cnbi na lalaki lng which mean c adan na isang lalaki lng sa Gen 2:34 at ndi cnbi sa anak nila dhl ikakasal plng c adan. Mapag imbento kapa la kht wala sa biblya gusto mo personal opinion mo lng. Kgya ng cnbi mo c adan at eba ang unang magulang.

    Saan natin makikita sa biblya na cnbing c adan at eba ang unang magulang natin?

    Meron o wala?

  53. (1.God the father-name father
    2.father the son-name jesus or jehova at the same time the mother of genesis.

    result:dalawang Ama

    kokontra sa talata na sinipi nya
    mateo 23:9 "iisa ang inyong ama na nasa langit"

    baka ito ang tamang statement

    siya ang anak na magiging Ama!)

    Bkt tinawag n everlasting father c qristo sa isa 9:6 samantalang cnbi nya na isa ang the father n nsa langit?

    Two fathers b cla?

  54. (sa genesis 2:22 at dinala niya ang babae sa kinasal ng Diyos.
    pre-nup na mababasa sa genesis 2:23,24 at inutusan ng Diyos si adan at eva na magkaanak para dumami ang tao sa lupa.
    recorded sa genesis 1:28)

    Ikinasal b?
    Basahin nga nation ang 2:24.

    2:24, for this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

    They will become!

    Ikinasal b? O ikakasal pa lng?

    Wag mu kc tulugan ang biblya.

  55. (maling mali ang iyong pagkaunawa kasi naka focus ka sa genesis 1:1 sa talata na yan alam ko ang elohim get's mo?)

    Bkt nga b Elohim n isang collective- plural noun ang ginamit ni moses at ndi ang eloha na singular noun sa Genesis?

  56. ...kung tlgng isa l@ng ang God na creator.

  57. im jw

    sabi niya hindi daw tuntunin ang gen 2:24 nag dis agree siya.gusto kasi nya isaksak ang parent's God sa talata sa genesis 2:24 at para lumitaw ang kanyang God the mother.

    pansinin ito bilang paalaala:

    1 timo 4:15,16 " pag-isipan mong mabuti (o bulay-bulayin) ang mga bagay na ito:magbuhos ka ng pansin dito para makita ng lahat ang pagsulong mo.
    laging big-yan pansin ang sarili mo at ang itinuturo mo.ibigay mo ang buong makakaya mo sa pagtupad sa mga bagay na ito,dahil sa paggawa nito,ay maililigtas mo ang sarili at ang mga nakikinig sa iyo.

    e resolve natin yong talata na favorate niya sa genesis 2:24 ano ba talaga ang ibig sabihin?ito bay tuntunin,o parents God na gustong-gusto ni sir limjohn?

    tanungin natin si book of mathew.

    mateo 19:3-6 at lumapit sa kaniya ang mga pareseo para subukin siya.nagtanong sila:pewede bang diborsiyuhan ng isang lalaki ang asawa niya sa kahit anong dahilan?
    4 sinabi niya,(niya ang ginamit hindi sila) hindi ba ninyo nabasa na siya na lumalang sa kanila mula sa pasimula ay ginawa silang lalaki at babae?
    5 at sinabi: dahil dito ay iiwan ng lalaki ang kanyang Ama at ina at mamumuhay kasama ng kaniyang asawang ang dalawa ay magiging isang laman?
    6 kaya hindi na sila dalawa kundi isang laman.kaya ang pinagsama ng Diyos ay huwag paghiwalayin ng sinumang tao.

    ang tuntunin ng Diyos hinggil sa mag-asawa ay bawal ang diborsiyo.

    ano ang rebattle ng mga pareseo? itutuloy natin sa verses 7.

    7 sinabi nila sa kaniya: kung gayon,bakit iniutos ni moises ang pagbibigay ng isang kasulatan ng paghihiwalay para madiborsiyo ang asawang babae?

    sagot ni jesus sa verse 8

    8 sinabi niya sa kanila: dahil sa katigasan ng puso ninyo,pinaghintulutan kayo ni moises na diborsiyuhan ang inyong mga asawang babae,pero hindi ganon sa pasimula.

    ang pasimula na tinutukoy ni jesus ay yong nasa genesis 2:24. pansinin mo kasi sir ang marginal referenced at ang mga konteksto. wag mong gawing unan ang bibliya.....ikaw pala tong tulog.

    1. (4 sinabi niya,(niya ang ginamit hindi sila) hindi ba ninyo nabasa na siya na lumalang sa kanila mula sa pasimula ay ginawa silang lalaki at babae?
      5 at sinabi: dahil dito ay iiwan ng lalaki ang kanyang Ama at ina at mamumuhay kasama ng kaniyang asawang ang dalawa ay magiging isang laman?
      6 kaya hindi na sila dalawa kundi isang laman.kaya ang pinagsama ng Diyos ay huwag paghiwalayin ng sinumang tap)

      Samakatuwid alintuntunin para ke adan n iiwan nia and posed ng nyang magulang. Kht baligtarin o ulitin basahin yng verse nayan c adan par in and lalabas na sagot. Tam@?

      Ang pnapahanap ko sau kundi ka tulog ay yun alintuntunin pra sa anak ni adan. Meron b o wala?

      Anong verse?

    2. Samakatuwid alintuntunin para ke adan n iiwan nia and podder ng kanyang magulang. Kht baligtarin o ulitin basahin yng verse nayan c adan parin and lalabas na sagot. Tam@?

      Ang pnapahanap ko sau kundi ka tulog ay yun alintuntunin pra sa anak ni adan. Meron b o wala?

    3. (ang pasimula na tinutukoy ni jesus ay yong nasa genesis 2:24. pansinin mo kasi sir ang marginal referenced at ang mga konteksto. wag mong gawing unan ang bibliya.....ikaw pala tong tulog)

      Wala yang marginal reference nyan sa original manuscript. Tao long ang megawa nyn. Kya pala puro basura ang sagot dhl nka pirme ka sa gawa ng tao.

      Basahin mo kc_ang 2:24 ng nkadilat at ndi puro personal opinion mo_lng.

      Ang biblya ay prang me buhay wag mo Sakalin kung anu gusto nia sabihin. Nilalason mo tlga ang doctrin@_ng biblya pra mabusog lng ang doctrina_niyong BASURA!

  58. basahin natin ang version ni marcos sa chapter 10

    2 lumapit sa kaniya ang mga pariseo para subukin siya.nagtanong sila kung puweding diborsiyuhin ng isang lalaki ang kaniyang asawa.

    3 sumagot siya :ano ang iniutos ni moises sa inyo?

    4 sinabi nila:ipinahintulot ni moises ang pagsulat ng isang kasulatan ng paghihiwalay para madiborsiyo ang asawang babae.

    5 pero sinabi ni jesus sa kanila:
    isinulat niya ang utos na ito dahil sa katigasan ng puso ninyo.

    6 pero mula sa pasimula ng paglalang,ginawa niya silang lalaki at babae.

    7 dahil dito ay iiwan ng lalaki ang kaniyang Ama at ina.

    8 at ang dalawa ay magiging isang laman,kaya hindi na sila dalawa kundi isang laman.

    9 kaya ang pinagsama ng Diyos ay huwag paghiwalayin ng sinumang tao.

    itutuloy natin para makuha ang punto...

    10 nang nasa bahay na uli sila,tinanong siya ng mga alagad tungkol dito.

    11 sinabi niya sa kanila ang sinumang dumiborsiyo sa kaniyang asawa ng iba ay nangangalunya at nagkakasala sa kaniyang asawa.

    tuntunin talaga jesus na nga ang nag explain ehhhh.

  59. sabi mo: ang asawang babae ba ay ndi ksma?

    sa talata genesis 2:24 kinasal na nga sila....

    naku!!! naman...bakit hindi kasama ang babae?pwede ma makasal ang lalake kung wala ang bride...ehh ikaw sir nung ikinasal ka,naiwan ba bride mo sa bahay?

    kinasal na nga sila adan at eva jan ehhh... tapos..
    binigyan sila ng tuntunin ng Diyos.pinatunayan ni jesus yan sa book of mathew at sa book of mark.

  60. correction sa una kung post.

    pwede ba makasal ang lalake kung wala ang bride? sabi mo kasi walang babae sa talata 2:24.alangan naman naiwan si eva. kung babasahin mo ang gen 2:22 nag meet na nga sila jan ,dahil dinala ng Diyos si eva kay adan para makasal.kaya ang seremonyal ay nasa genesis 2:23,24 .naku!!!ang hirap turoan yong taong tulog ang utak.

  61. (sa talata genesis 2:24 kinasal na nga sila....

    naku!!! naman...bakit hindi kasama ang babae?pwede ma makasal ang lalake kung wala ang bride...ehh ikaw sir nung ikinasal ka,naiwan ba bride mo sa bahay?)

    Nagiisip lang aq kung me lahi kb bisaya at ndimo makntindihan mga tanong qu.
    Ang root of discussion ay yun cnbi mo n alintuntunin pra sa knlng anak n lalaki ang hihiwalay sa_poder ng magulang pra ikasal. Kya tinanong qu, ndi b ksma babae dyn sa alituntunin dhl anak din nmn ang turing?

    Mhrap qa paliwanagan

  62. bakit interesado ka sa lahi ko? gusto mo bang mag cebuano tayo para lalo kang malalampaso? hehehe

    sabi mo" samakatuwid alintuntunin para ke adan n iiwan nia ang posed ng nyang magulang.

    kung ito ang power of analysis mo na si adan ang mag iwan sa kanyang ama at ina ay maling mali ka.

    paano mo ito e justify na iiwan ni adan ang Ama niya at ina ehhh wala naman siyang taong parents d po ba?

    kung ang tinutukoy mong parents ni adan ay yong God the father mo at God the mother mo, how comes na iniwan niya? diba ang mga Diyos mo sana langit?

    sabi mo: ang pinapahanap ko sau kundi ka tulog ay yun alintuntunin pra sa anak ni adan?

    naku!!! naman... ano ba itong alagad ni smith....

    nasa genesis 2:24 na nga ehhh... si jesus mismo ang nag paliwanag sa talata.nasa book of mathew at ni mark.

    talagang alintuntunin yan sa mga anak nila ang katagang magiging isang laman.kung silay mag-aasawa.

    ang genesis 2:24 konektado yan sa gen 1:28 gayundin,pinagpala sila ng Diyos at sinabi magpalaanakin kayo at magpakarami punuin ninyo ang lupa.
    gets mo?

  63. sabi mo:kya tinanong qu,ndi b ksama babae dyn sa alituntunin dhl anak din nmn ang turing?

    bakit ba lalaki ang sinabi sa talata dahil,ang lalake ang head of the family. pro yung alituntunin na magiging isang laman sila. pwede rin yan sa kung ang pag uusapan ay yong headship hindi pwede palitan ng babae ang posisyon ng lalaki.

  64. ang punto sa genesis 2:24 ay magiging isang laman. ay nasa marcos 10:8,9 ang sabi " kaya hindi na sila dalawa kundi isang laman. ang punto ni jesus ang pinag sama ng Diyos ay huwag paghihiwalayin.

    ito po ang original ng pamantayan sa Diyos hinggil sa mag-awasa.

  65. (Talagang alintuntunin yan sa mga anak nila ang katagang magiging isang laman.kung silay mag-aasawa.)

    Kaya_ nga. Saan nkasulst n ito @y sa mga_anak ni adan?

  66. At pakihanap anu verse ng genesis cla adan ang unang magulang?

    Ihiwalay natin ang opinion sa biblya pra macahinga itu ng maayos.

  67. (ito po ang original ng pamantayan sa Diyos hinggil sa mag-awasa.)

    Cnbi b pra sa lht ng lalaki? O opinion mo lng ito? Kung wala wag ng magimbento

  68. (sabi mo:kya tinanong qu,ndi b ksama babae dyn sa alituntunin dhl anak din nmn ang turing?

    bakit ba lalaki ang sinabi sa talata dahil,ang lalake ang head of the family. pro yung alituntunin na magiging isang laman sila. pwede rin yan sa kung ang pag uusapan ay yong headship hindi pwede palitan ng babae ang posisyon ng lalaki.)

    ndi mmm yn ang punto ko. Ang cnsbi kung ang alituntunin n yn ay pra sa lalaki anu nmn ang alituntunin pra sa babe? Iiwan din b ang magulang nia? Saan ito mbabasa?

  69. Muli. Kung wala mbabasa iwasan magimbento dhl dtu nagccmula ang mmaling doktrina_ kgya ng doktrina ninio at ng iglesya

  70. (paano mo ito e justify na iiwan ni adan ang Ama niya at ina ehhh wala naman siyang taong parents d po ba?)

    Yan ngaun ang problema nio. Kpg magulang ang pinaguusapan iniisip mo mga tao ito. Bkt tnwag din the father ang God ndi nmn din tao ito? Logic plays here.
    Cnbi n nga n is a lang ang the father which mean sya ang pinagmulan pagkatapos ssbihin mo cla adan unang magulang. Opinion nga nmn

  71. ito po ang pakahulugan ni apostol pablo sa genesis 2:24 na magiging laman...

    efeso 5:28 dapat mahalin ng mga asawang lalaki ang kanilang asawang babae na gaya ng sarili nilang katawan.ang lalaki nagmamahal sa kaniyang asawang babae ay nagmamahal sa sarili niya,
    29 dahil walang sinumang napopoot sa sarili niyang katawan,kundi pinakakain niya ito at inaalagaan,gaya ng ginagawa ng kristo sa kongregasyon.
    30 dahil tayo ay mga bahagi ng katawan niya.

    31 dahil dito ay iiwan ng lalake ang kaniyang ama at ina at mamumuhay kasama ng kaniyang asawang babae,at ang dalawa "ay magiging isang laman"

    33 gayunman,mahalin ng bawat isa sa inyo ang kaniyang asawang babae gaya ng sarili niya.ang asawang babae naman ay dapat magkaroon ng matinding paggalang sa kaniyang asawang lalaki.

    1 cor 6:16 Do you not know that anyone who is joined to a prostitute is ano body with her?for the two,says he will be one flesh.

    18 flee from sexual immorality every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body,but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.

    naku sir!!! paano mo to lulusutan?

  72. correction sa my post 1 cor 6:16

    Do you not know that anyone who is joined to a prostitute is one body with her?for the two,says he will be one flesh.

  73. sabi mo: kaya nga saan nkasulat n ito ay sa mga anak ni adan?

    nasa gen 1:28 nga ehh konektado yan sa genesis 2:24...

    sabi mo: pakihanap anu verse ng genesis cla adan ang unang magulang?

    naku naman !!!ulit din ang sagot sa genesis 3:20 sir

    sabi mo:cnbi b para sa lht ng lalaki?

    sagot:sinabi ni apostol pablo ay mga asawang lalaki sa efeso 5:28 .pro kung ang isang lalaki single, labas siya nun.

    sabi mo:ang cnbi kung ang alituntunin n yn ay pra sa lalaki anu nmn ang alituntunin pra sa babae?iiwan din b ang magulang nia? saan ito mababasa?

    halimbawa para malinawagan ka.

    kung magluto ako ng pinakbit?maghanap ka p ba ng kalabasa,talong,okra,ampalaya? ang salitang pinakbit package na yan sa recipeng pinakbit.

    sa katulad na paraan kung iiwan sa lalake ang ama at ina nya,syempre ang babae susunod sa kanyang asawa.para magbuo sila ng pamilya. gets mo? ang talata genesis 2:24 parin sir.

  74. sabi mo:bkt tnwag din the father ang God ndi nmn din tao ito?logic plays here.

    ha?logic ba ito?


    bakit tinawag rin ang tao na father ehh hindi naman God?hehehe joke lang

    ito po ang punto

    tinawag ang God na father kasi nga' may anak nga siya,sa totoo ,noong hindi pa umiral si adan bilang anak ng Diyos.
    may mga anak na ang hindi nangangahulugan may literal sya na asawa.

    kung ganito ang logic Paano mo lulusutan ang awit 90:2 at kawikaan 8:22. sa talata na iyan ppatunayan ko na walang asawa ang Diyos jan.ito muna e resolve natin bago yang genesis 1:1 mong elohim.

    patunayan mo rin sa akin kung saan kinuha ang god the mother mo? ito bang God the mother mo walang pasimula?

    napupuna ko ikaw tong tanong na tanong pro hindi mo sinagot mga katanungan sa itaas.

  75. sabi mo: bkt tnwag din the father ang God ndi nmn din tao ito?logic plays here.

    ha?logic ba ito?


    bakit tinawag rin ang tao na father ehh hindi naman God?hehehe joke only...

    ito po ang punto

    tinawag ang God na father kasi may anak totoo po noong hindi pa umiral si adan bilang anak ng Diyos.

    ang Diyos po ay may mga anak na .kaya nga patunayan mo sa awit 90:2 at sa kawikaan 8:22 kung Ang Diyos bay may asawa jan. e resolve muna natin ito bago ang elohim mo sa gen 1:1.

    patunayan mo rin

    kung saan kinuha sa Diyos ang kaniyang asawa?

    ang Asawa ba ng Diyos ay walang pasimula gaya ng Diyos?

    pls answer my question.

  76. (33 gayunman,mahalin ng bawat isa sa inyo ang kaniyang asawang babae gaya ng sarili niya.ang asawang babae naman ay dapat magkaroon ng matinding paggalang sa kaniyang asawang lalaki.)

    Kaya nga. Binanggit lng ni Pablo ang genesis account n tungkol ke adan pra ipakita bilang halimbawa ang rights ng pagaasawa. Kung itto ay alituntunin dpt ksma c adan dhl sya ang modelo n dpt sundan. Kya nga ipinakita ng Diyos ke adan n dpt sya umalis spider nila pra sumama sa babai. Maliwanag db?

  77. Ang 2:24 ay isang halimbawa na kung paano umalis c adan sa podder ng knyang magulang pra sumama sa knyng mpapangasawa. Ndi pa cla ikinasal. Ikakasal plng bilang patunay na sya ang pinaguusapan.

  78. (kung saan kinuha sa Diyos ang kaniyang asawa?

    ang Asawa ba ng Diyos ay walang pasimula gaya ng Diyos?)

    Ang salitang Elohim ng Hebrew ay God na hawig din sa Eloha. Elohim at Eloha ay parehong gumagamit ng singular verb kgya ng "God is". Dhl ang Elohim ay uniplural o collective noun karapatan nia ang gumamit ng singular verb at umaaktong singular noun pero maramihan sya.

  79. Cguro mas maige sagutin nlng ito.
    Kung ang Eloha ay singular noun at ang Elohim ay collective noun bkt mas pinili in Moses gamitin ang Elohim na isang maramihan kesa sa Eloha na isahan kung isahan lng ang Diyos?

  80. Since ang Elohim ay isang uniplural o collective noun at ang Eloha ay singular ang kalalabasan ng description nla ay,

    Elohim = eloha+eloha...
    Ito ay katulad ng cnbi s John10:30

    Aku at ang ama ay iisa. Magasawa.
    Dhl ang salitang iisa ay galing sa 2:24 na cnsbing, ang lalaki ay sasama sa babai at cla magiging ISAng laman.

    Basahin dn ang Jn17:21
    "That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

    However, if this verse is for the newly wed couple this is the result.

    That all of them may be one, just as the father in the mother and the mother in the father.

    The result is stunning and the statement expressed intimate relationship as a couple.

  81. Ang old covenant nun time ng Israel ay isang halimbawa ng marriage covenant.

    Few people realize that the Old Covenant was essentially a marriage covenant—by which God “was a husband” to Israel (Jeremiah 31:32). In this covenant, Israel, the wife, had agreed to submit to God and obey His laws. But she did not. Israel’s adultery with foreign gods was so heinous that God divorced His people except for a few who still tried to serve Him (Jeremiah 3:8-14; Isaiah 50:1).

    So God is married to one another before the creation of Adam and the purpose is to build a family, a family of God.

    Kya nga nilalang ang tao ayon sa wangis ng Diyos at ndi sya ginawa ayon sa wangis ng tao. Mron pb iba Paliwanag?

  82. Jesus version of "I am" was in reference to this phrase "before Abraham was, I am"

    how can we deny his remark which is in reference to his previous existence way back to the time of Abraham?

    Manalo made a numerous false assertions about this phrase.

    There was only one voice being heard in the time of Abraham and that voice came from God.

    however, the word God in Hebrew is Elohim, a collective noun for Eloah which is in singular form.

    Moses chose to write Elohim to allay proof that God is not a one individual God as he is trying to assert here.

    John, the disciple had it to describe the very exact position that Jesus had assume.

    -In the beginning was the Word,
    and the Word was with God,
    and the Word was God.

    the title Word can be translated as Speaker or a Spokesman of the family of God.
    the role of this speaker can liken to the congress where a group of lawmakers must vote a one speaker who can speak on behalf of their group.

    so we can exactly know what was the title "word" mean to us according to the bible.

    Jesus was made a speaker by God the father to deliver his purpose to mankind.

    "And the Father who sent me has himself testified
    concerning me. You have never heard his voice
    nor seen his form "


    if the father has not been heard ever since then who was this a lone voice in the time of Abraham?

    the answer is:
    “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I AM !

  83. The LORD" of the Old Testament was God the FATHER of Jesus Christ. This is a flagrant error!

    Yahveh was the God of Israel, the only One of the Godhead known to ancient Israel. When He came in human flesh they did not recognize Him. "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not" (John 1:10).

    Neither did they know God the Father (Matt. 11:27, Luke 10:22, Panin). "No one knoweth... who the Father is, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son willeth to REVEAL him."

    In Genesis 1, the Hebrew name translated "God" is Elohim. This is a uniplural name, such as church or family. A church or a family consists of more than one person, yet is one church, or one family.

    In this same sense Elohim—the God Kingdom— includes both God the Father and Yahveh, who was the Logos or the WORD of God, and also their Spirit emanating from them, the Holy Spirit, the LIFE, CHARACTER and POWER of God.

    Jesus, in praying for the welfare of the Church prayed that its many members might "be ONE as we are one" (John 17:11, 21, Moffatt translation). The Church is ONE body, yet composed of many members (I Cor. 12:12). A husband and wife are ONE FLESH, yet two persons.

    The word God has two meanings—the God Kingdom or the God Family, AND the persons composing that Kingdom or Family. Christ and the Father are ONE God, not two Gods —one Elohim. That is why Elohim said, "Let us make man in OUR image" (Gen. 1:26).

    Yahveh was the "WORD" or Spokesman of the Godhead—its second member. As soon as God began to SPEAK to man, it was always Yahveh who spoke (translated "LORD" in the Authorized and "Jehovah" in the American Standard Version—see Genesis 2:16, 18 and Exodus 20:2).
    Almost always it is Yahveh in the original Hebrew—the "WORD" who was made flesh. The proof of this is a long study involving hundreds of passages.
    As a fragment of the evidence, compare Isaiah 8:13-14 with I Peter 2:7-8. Isaiah said, "The LORD of hosts"—YHVH— shall be "a stone of stumbling" and "a rock of offence." Peter said, in quoting this text in reference to Christ, He is "a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence." Jesus is the LORD —the Eternal of the Old Testament.

    Now compare Isaiah 40:3 with Matthew 3:3 and Mark 1:3. John prepared the way before Yahveh (Isa. 40:3) who was CHRIST (Mark 1:14-15).
    In Revelation 1:17 we read: "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last." And in verse 8, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

    Again Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (RSV). Study also Revelation 22:16 for proof it was Jesus speaking.

    Jesus Christ calls Himself the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Now compare these texts with Isaiah 44:6: "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god' " (RSV).

    Now turn to Isaiah 48:11-12, RSV. "For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it, for how should my name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another. 'Hearken to me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom I called! I am He, I am the first, and I am the last.' " Verses 17-18 show it was Yahveh speaking.

    And also in Isaiah 41:4, RSV: "Who has performed and done this, calling the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am He." All of these scriptures show that Yahveh is the first and last. Christ is the Yahveh of the Old Testament

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  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. wag kang mag-alala hindi pa ang panahon na e kru-cross examine kita sa mga katanungan na yan. gusto ko lang malaman ang buong sinaryo mo.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Medyo complex yun mga tanong mo. Sagutin mo muna yun una mong tanong.

    Mga tao b ang mga magulang ni adan pra iwanan nya?
    Well, kpg cnbi bng magulang tao b ang sumasagi as isip mo?

    Bkt tinwag png the father ang God kung ndi nmn ito tao dn at anu ang relevant nyn as tao? Complex din db?

  89. oi online ka!!! yes or no lang.bakit my inside comments?
    nag tanong ako tapos ang sagot tanong din...linawin mo nga question num 1.anong sagot mo yes or no?

  90. (wag kang mag-alala hindi pa ang panahon na e kru-cross examine kita sa mga katanungan na yan. gusto ko lang malaman ang buong sinaryo mo)

    Well, by all means. Iwasan mo kc gumamit ng opinion dhl ang biblya ay me buhay dn pra Sakalin mo ng mga doctrina gawa lng ng tao.

  91. Kgya ng cnsbi mong alituntunin kht wala pinipilit mo. At very illogic n pagusapan ang kasal ng anak nila kung ndi_ pa cla ipinanganganak. Comedy ka tlaga.

  92. sabi mo:mga tao b ang mga magulang ni adan para iwanan nya?

    excuse me !!!ang tanong ko sa itaas ganito. number 1 ,si adan ba ay umiral na sa langit?

  93. naku naman... ikaw lang ata tong nag comedy sir.db stick kasi ako sa magiging laman nila adan at eva ,tapos ikaw na nga nag sabi rule model sila.

    ano ba ang mga puntos nun? db ang principles behind sa talata na magiging isang laman ,aplicable din yan sa magiging anak nila balang araw.

    ang hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit iiwan ni adan ang parents god nya.

    kaya para malaman ko talaga ang buong sinaryo sa talata na sinipi mo.tinanong kita kung umiral na ba si adan sa langit?kung totoo nga ito!

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. So kung ito ay alituntunin nararapat din cguro n cla_ang modelo_pra sundan ng iba. Tama b? Walang exemption.
    Kpg ito ay pra sa lalaki, lahat ng lalaki.
    Kya lng c qristo at pablo ay ndi nagasawa pra msabi mo ito ay alituntunin n dpt sundan.

  96. sinakal ang bibliya?ikaw nga tong nag patay sa biblia ehhh!!! pilit mo kasing e saksak ang Gods parent mo.

    kaya sir pls ....answer my 5 questions

  97. (ang hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit iiwan ni adan ang parents god nya)

    Ndi literal ang pagiwan pra magasawa.
    Privacy ang ibig sbhin nyn as a human to spirit. Dyn ka bagsak pagdating sa technical ng pangunawa. Yang holy spirit mo, bopol.

  98. (sinakal ang bibliya?ikaw nga tong nag patay sa biblia ehhh!!! pilit mo kasing e saksak ang Gods parent mo)

    Yan ang nsa biblya! Isang lalaki lng ang pinaguusapan isisingit_mo ibang lalaki. Nangangaliwa kb?

  99. (ano ba ang mga puntos nun? db ang principles behind sa talata na magiging isang laman ,aplicable din yan sa magiging anak nila balang draw)

    Kaya_nga! Kung ito ay alintuntunin n dpt sundin dpt cla adan ang maging modelo. Wala exemption. Kpg cnbi lalaki, lahat ng lalaki. San mo ilalagsy yng alituntunin mo? C qrsto at pablo ndi nagasawa.

  100. sabi mo:walang exemption kng ito ay pra sa lalaki,lahat ng lalaki.kya lng c qristo at pablo ay ndi nag asawa pra msabi mo ito ay alituntunin n dpt sundan.

    dba sabi ko sa itaas ang pagiging isang laman ay para sa mga mag-asawa. hindi naman po ito mandatory kung ang ibang lalaki gustong maging single. paano magiging isang laman ang isang lalaki kung wala nga siyang asawa?db? gaya ni jesus at ni pablo.

    kaya nga.anong koneksyon ni adan sa talata bakit kailangan nya iiwan ang ama at ina nya?ikaw kasi nag stick ka sa pagiging iwan ni adan sa parents god nya.e ako nag stick po ako sa pagiging laman nila adan at eva kasi may mga explaination si mateo,marcos at si pablo.

    kaya siguro hindi tayo magkasalubong.

    at para magkasalubong na tayo sa topic na ito sagotin mo ang 5 question ko jan.

  101. sabi mo:ndi literal ang pagiwan pra magasawa.privacy ang ibig sbhin nyn as a human to spirit.dyn ka bagsak pagdating sa technical ng pangunawa yang holy spirit mo.bopol

    ahhh ganon ba...bakit ka takot sa 5 questions ko... babagsak ka ba rito hahahah... gusto mo bang ilantad ko baho ng doctrina ninyo sa aklat ninyong book of mormons?hehehehe

    kaya nga pls answer my questions. yer or no lang

  102. (dba sabi ko sa itaas ang pagiging isang laman ay para sa mga mag-asawa. hindi naman po ito mandatory kung ang ibang lalaki gustong maging single)

    In short ndi alituntunin ito kundi bhala ka sa life mo kung magasawa ka_o ndi. That's part of life under freedom of choice. Kya wag mo n ipilit yn. Nagiging cheap tuloy ang biblya dhl dyn sa mmaling opinion.

  103. (ahhh ganon ba...bakit ka takot sa 5 questions ko...)

    Ur dreaming. I'd already demolished ur opinion. What more can I get but to accept hat Jesus is jehova. Kya nga ndi nia binanggit ang jehova nung naghihingalo sya sa qrus dhl sya ang dating jehova nung sya ay nsa langit.

  104. (kaya nga.anong koneksyon ni adan sa talata bakit kailangan nya iiwan ang ama at ina nya?ikaw kasi nag stick ka sa pagiging iwan ni adan sa parents god nya.e ako nag stick po ako sa pagiging laman nila adan at eva kasi may mga explaination si mateo,marcos at si pablo.)

    Yap, they read the genesis book and our center of discussion must be in the genesis book. They admit that it was a dam and nothing more to be the model in marriage.

    Kung ito nga ay alituntunin dpt lng sya ang maging modelo pra sundan.

  105. So it's wrong to believe that Adam was our first parent citing Jesus example there should be only one father which is in heaven. Father is also a parent.

    In fact, if u read jn10:30 he was married to the father and called as one based on this 2:24 which explained the oneness out of two.
    See the analogy that says, the man shall leave his father n mother to become as one flesh with his wife, just as the father n mother is one.

  106. Shall we say, Adam n Eve entered into a covenant of marriage as it does with God to himself who entered to become a model for humans. It's very plain that God is building God's family out of humans.

  107. So it's no wonder why he created humans after his own kind and not after humankind to inherit the God' feature which is unique from all of his creation.
    Humans are naturally sons of God because of this revelation and have right o call God as our parents. The logic is there.

  108. So why is it the JW don't like to call God as parents when Jesus himself taught that God the Father is only one?

    Because they're the sons of satan and they like to treat God as a lone master to his servants or master n servants.

  109. The statement "let's create man after our likeness" makes plain for us to believe that it's a romantic request to have a child as their own which is common for all humans.

    Honey, kamukha natin sana ang magiging anak natin.

    Nothing more than this simple analogy.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. No offence, binasa mo ba sagot ko?

  112. Iwasa natin ang paulitulit maculit at sana igsian lng natin.

  113. Sabi mu bka nsa langit c adan?

    1. Tanging c qristo lng nkaakyat sa langit.

    2. Ndi nmn sya as langit nilalang. Gaw a_sya sa alabok.

  114. (2,si adan bay katulong ni jesus sa paglalang?)

    Lol. Meron b tau binanggit? Ang mga anghel pwd bumaba sa lupa at magdisguise n tao kgya gnawa nla sa time ni Abraham b4 magunaw ang sodom

  115. (4,naninindigan ka ba na si adan ang unang kristiano?)

    Ang ibig sbhin ng kristyano ay tga sunod ni kristo. Umiral lng c kristo nung 31AD as a preacher.

    Ndi b cnbi ni pablo n ang pangalawang adan c qristo?

  116. (5,naninindigan ka ba na si adan ay siya ang matanda sa mga araw at literal na pisikal na ama ni kristo?)

    Naintindihan mb cnbi ni qristo sa mat23:9?

    And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

    Ndi long the father nya kundi sa pra sa lht.

  117. Yes or no kp puro no nmn ang sagot. Out of topic.

    Ikaw tanungin ko.

    Tnwag n the father ang God, ibig b sabhin unang magulang natin sya?

    Yes or no?

  118. sabi mo. so its wrong to say that our first parent is adan and eve its not biblical,our first parent is God just like what jesus said mat 23:9)

    pro ito ang aklat ng mormons journal of discourses,tomo 1 pahina 50 edisyon ng 1854.ganito ang sabi ni brigham young:"ang ating Ama si adan ay dumating sa halaman.... ng dinala si eva,isa sa kaniyang mga asawa...siya ang ating Ama at ang ating Diyos.

    masasabi mo bang sinungaling ang aklat na journal of discourses,sa kanyang statement?

    ginamit mo ang talata gen 2:24 to supporting ur arguments na magiging isang laman,nangangahulugan ba ito na from spirit became flesh?

  119. sa talata mat 23:9 "father"
    at sa gen 1:26 lalangin natin ang tao ayon sa ating wangis,sino sa kanila ang father na itinuturo sa mat 23:9?

    ang sagot mo sa 5 question ko ay No. masasabi mo bang sinungaling ang propeta ng mormon na si lorenso snow ay nag sasabi:kung ano ang tao ngayon,gayon dati ang Diyos,kung ano ang Diyos ngayon,magiging gayon ang tao.

    bakit nga ba kita tinanong ng ganito, kasi parang may kahawig ang inyong konsipto na "lalangin natin ang tao ayon sa ating wangis"

    kung mag aasawa ang tao ganon din ang Diyos na magasawa.

    so hindi kaba naniniwala na ang Diyos ay may buto at laman?

  120. sabi mo:tnwag n the father ang God ibig b sabhin unang magulang natin siya? yes or no)


    bakit no ang sagot ko? kasi
    sa aklat ni isaias sabi: :Ikaw ay aming Ama" hindi sinabi na Ikaw ay Aming magulang. gets mo ?nakikita mo ba ang brilliant logic? pls.... give me 100 points...hahahaha

  121. sabi mo:umiral lang c kristo nung 31 AD as a preacher)at sabi mo ang ama at anak iisa)

    so ngayon sino ang nagbigay ng authority kay jesus na magiging kristo?

    pwede ba mismo si cristo na siya rin ang ama magbigay sa sarili na magiging kristo?

    kung si jahveh at si cristo ay iisa.

    si jahveh ay isang panginoon sya rin ba si cristo na panginoon rin?

    kailan ba naging panginoon si jahveh?sa lumang tipan ba si jahveh nagkatawang tao na ba?

    kung si jahveh at si cristo iisa,siya rin ba ang tinutukoy sa juan 10:30?
    at sino naman yong nasa juan 1:1 na ang salita kasama ng Diyos?

  122. sa juan 10:30 ang ama at anak ay iisa.

    so kung tawagin natin si jesus na father hindi ba pwede?

    sabi mo:si jesus ay anak ng Diyos at begotten son?

    kung tawagin natin ang Ama ni Jesus na father rin ,salungat ba ito sa juan 10:30 na ama. at sa isaias 9:6 na ama walang hanggan?

  123. sabi mo:so why is it the JW dont like to call God as parents when himself taught that God the father is only one?)

    sinunod lang kasi namin si jesus that God the father is only one. walang mama. kasi ang ama namin na nasa langit ama parin sya kahit walang asawa.

    gaya ni jesus naging ama siya dahil nagiging anak nya ang mga apostol.walang involve ang asawa.

    hindi nga sinabi sa biblia ehh na my crush si jesus na babae kasi nga wala siyang asawa.

  124. sabi mo: ur dreaming,i'd already demolished ur opinion,what more can get but to accept that jesus is jehova.kaya ndi nia binanggit ang jehova nung naghihingalo sya sa qrus dhil sya ang dating jehova nung sya ay nsa langit.?

    ikaw naman ang binabangongot dahil sa aral ninyong grounded hahahaha.

    ito po ang mga tanong

    nung si si jesus ay nasa langit ang pangalan niya ay jehova? eh nung si jehova bumaba sa langit at nagkatawang tao nagiging jesus ang pangalan, ngayon nung bumalik si jesus sa langit naging jehova na rin ba siya o naging jesus parin? again the brilliant logic plays here...

    pls...give me again 100 points...hahahaha

  125. kung mababasa ko sa biblia na si jesus at si Jehova ay hindi iisang katawan, tatanggapin mo ba na sinungaling ka?

  126. (sinunod lang kasi namin si jesus that God the father is only one. walang mama. kasi ang ama namin na nasa langit ama parin sya kahit walang asawa.)

    No mother? Yes, because it was Jesus who assumed the mother is the one speaking. Wala kb logic?

    Medyo tulog k nga

  127. (pro ito ang aklat ng mormons journal of discourses,tomo 1 pahina 50 edisyon ng 1854.ganito ang sabi ni brigham young:"ang ating Ama si adan ay dumating sa halaman.... ng dinala si eva,isa sa kaniyang mga asawa...siya ang ating Ama at ang ating Diyos.)

    Wala aq idea Sa mga cnsbi mo. Mormons at JW parehas lng n basurang religion

  128. (kung mababasa ko sa biblia na si jesus at si Jehova ay hindi iisang katawan, tatanggapin mo ba na sinungaling ka?)

    Kung mpapatunayan mo rin n ang alpha omega ng revelation ay ndi c Qristo.
    Dhl sbi ni jehova wala sya katulad dhl sya ang alpha omega at ndi nya ibbigay ang knyang kabanalan sa iba.

    O bkt c Qristo inangkin nya n sya din ay alpha omega?

  129. (nung si si jesus ay nasa langit ang pangalan niya ay jehova? eh nung si jehova bumaba sa langit at nagkatawang tao nagiging jesus ang pangalan, ngayon nung bumalik si jesus sa langit naging jehova na rin ba siya o naging jesus parin? again the brilliant logic plays here...)

    Ang jehova ay isang misteryong pangalan n inimbento ng isang paring katoliko lamang at ang original nito ay YHVH n nsa consonant at wala pong vowels. Dhl itinuturing n ito ay banal sa hudyo kya ndi n ito n translate.
    Peru malinaw sa John1 n dati n syang acquainted as God on earth to the people pero ndi sya nakilala kgya nio kht dilat nka pikit prin.

  130. (sa juan 10:30 ang ama at anak ay iisa.)

    Ang cnsbi lng ni Qristo ay yun dati nilng klagayang dalawa kya nga yng salitang iisa sa mababaw n translation pinagBuklod. Ndi ibig sbhing isa lng cla. Asawa!

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. (gaya ni jesus naging ama siya dahil nagiging anak nya ang mga apostol.walang involve ang asawa.)

    What do u think to the church he built?

    Kung nbasa mo ang Rev 12 ito nklagay.

    ...And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

    Cnu itong woman of Rev 12 n me anak?

  133. (kung si jahveh at si cristo iisa,siya rin ba ang tinutukoy sa juan 10:30?
    at sino naman yong nasa juan 1:1 na ang salita kasama ng Diyos? )

    Ang verbo sa English ay Word n ibig sbhin ay spokesman, tga pagsalita.

    Kpg nais ng Father n magsalita lagi c Qristo lng lagi nagsasalita sa mga propeta at tao dhl ito ang knyang trabaho ang magsalita.

    -And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me.
    You have never heard his voice nor seen his form.


  134. (alam mo sir si jesus po ay matatawag rin na alfa at omega.
    tapos si jesus din ay matatawag na rin king of kings,at lord of lords.)

    Ndi n gets punto ko.
    Cnbi n nga ni jehova nio n sya lng ang namumukod tanging alpha omega at wala ng iba. Ibig sbhin impostor ang cnuman mag claim n alpha omega dn. Tinginmo ba ke Qristo impostor?

  135. I'm very happy that ur still responding kht walang sense.

    Thank u for ur good response.

  136. sabi mo:wala aq idea sa mga cnsbi mo.mormons at Jw parehas lng na basurang religion)

    sori po!hehehe ang mormons kasi doctrina nila gaya sa inyo.parents Gods.o family tingin mo hindi mo ba yan ebabasura?na logic ka ba?

    sabi mo :christ is the yahveh of the old testament. as soon as God began to speak to man,it was always yahveh who spoke(translated lord in the authorized and Jehovah in the american standard version)

    sinipi mo nga sa itaas at kina copypaste ko lang, tapos mag conclude ka na jehovah is mistery?

    ano na sir deal ka ba?

    1. Yes, it's a mystery until now dhl ikaw mismo walang clue kung cnu sya. Me? I already accepted that Jesus is jehovah. Kya nga eloi ang binanggit nya nung naghihingalo sya sa Qrus

  137. oi!!! bakit napunta ka sa rev 12 "ang dragon"naku!!!6 yrs ako may naka encounter ako ng ganyan din under the accounts of shyllacsjw. sa tingin ko kapatid mo yon!ikaw na ba ngayon ang pinadala niya?

    1. Basahin mo maige ang rev12 at sbhin mo cnu ung woman n me mga anak n hnhabol ni satanas o dragon? Sbi mo kc ndi klngn ng mother sa new testament.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (ang tunay na cristo hindi impostor.
      ang titulong alfa at omega ay makakapit din yan kay cristo kasi sya ang pasimula at hindi nangangahulugan ang ama na siyang nagbibigay na titulo kay kristo ay iisa sa katawan. )

      Kaya nga! Bkt cnbi ni Jehovah nio s sya lang ang alpha at omega at liban s knya wala n?

  139. ang cristo kasi namin ay may pasimula recorded sa juan 1:1 at sa kawikaan 8:22.

    ang Diyos na aming sinasamba ay ang nasa awit 90:2 na walang pasimula.

    inaamin din namin si jesus bilang spokeman nasa juan1:1 sya ang verbo.

    pro un second phrase na "the word with God" itong God na sinasabi ay hindi iisang katawan sa verbo.

    1. (ang cristo kasi namin ay may pasimula recorded sa juan 1:1 at sa kawikaan 8:22)

      Pasimula ng creation lng at ndi sya ang produkto ng creation.
      Liwanagin natin. Tga pagsalita ang trabaho nia

  140. ang rev chapter 12 ,at rev 21:2,9, gal 4:26,31 at gen 3:15 ay iisa ba ang meaning ayon sa biblia?

    1. Rev 12?
      Ako ang nagtaranong. Cnu itung woman n me mga anak?

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Titulo?
      Kaya nga. Cnbi ni jehova n sya lng ang alpha at omega. Bkt c Qristo alpha omega din?

      For ur information, Ang alpha ay genesis at ang omega ay revelation. Kung c Qristo ang genesis at revelation, saan n ngyun c Jehovah?

      Wala ng lugar, dpo b?

    2. palilinaw,nagkamali ako, sori!!!ang alpha at omega para lamang kang jehovah paninindigan ko ito.ang kang jesus na ukol sa kanya ang "una at ang huli sa rev 1:17,18 ,2:8

  142. honestly !!!walang biro ,sa lahat ng pakikipag discussion ko sa mga blog ng inc.inaamin ko. magaling si ginoong aerial cavalry. kaya lang ,nagkataon lang na iba ang ating
    mga paninindigan.

    1. Nope. Ndi aq magaling. Nagkataon ndi mo alam ang sagot

  143. I'm just a researcher and I found out these religions, in general, don't seem to follow their Bible. They don't have clues what is the relationship of God to his believers and believers to their God.
    They treat their God as the lone master and themselves as servants. Biblically that's not what the Bible wants to assert. From the very start of Genesis, God stood as parents like what was written in 2:24. No doubt why Jesus called his partner as the father. Not only God but the father of all fathers.
    Shall we call him as the first parent by calling him with the title father?

    The logic plays here.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And it's finally proven that the bible indicates there is a mother who presided on behalf of the father.

      John10:30 makes plain about it. He even built his church for her memory of the heavenly mother.

      Therefore, the woman in Revelation 12 is none other than the church that Jesus built.

      No doubt about it.

    4. si jesus hindi ang the mother of genesis.siya ay begotten son of the God the father. pls read john 3:16

  144. If u r interested I can u send an image of God in relation to his creation.

    Make a new email address and I will send it to you this important detail about creation.

  145. sabi mo:cnu ung woman n me mga anak hnahabol ni satanas o dragon? )

    ang babae sa hula ay hindi isang taong babae,kundi espiritual na babae.sya rin ang babae na tinutukoy sa gen 3:15.


    may na post akong mali na titulo na hindi pala kang jesus. ang alfa at omega.ang titulo na ito ay para lamang kang Jehovah God the father.

    ang titulong"ang una at huli"ito ay pwedi ikapit kay jesus sa rev 1:17,18 at rev 2:8.

    kahit magkasingkahulugan ang alfa at omega,at ang una at huli pro may kaibahan.

    so,ngayon pwedi mo yan gamitin ang alpa at omega to defeat my stand.

  146. ang alfa at omega-ito ay mga pangalan ng alpabetong griego na titik na transliterasyon at pagbigkas ang unang alpabeto at ang huli.

    katibayan na si jehovah ang alfa at omega

    revelation 1:8 "I am the alpha and the omega,says Jehovah God the one who is and who was and who is coming the almighty. study bible translation.

    revelation 1:8 reference bible

    I am the alpha and the omega,says Jehovah God the one who is and who was and who is coming,the almighty.

    sa kingjames version sa apocalipsis 1:11 ang paglitaw sa alfa at omega ay hindi sinusuportahan ng ilan sa pinakamatandang manuskristong griego kabilang na ang alexandrine,sinaitic,at ang codex ephremi rescriptus.dahil dito hindi ito masusumpungan sa maraming makabagong tipan.

  147. sabi mo:pasimula ng creation lng at ndi sya ang produkto ng creation.tga pagsalita ang trabaho nia!)


    proverbs 8:22-24 american standard version.

    Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of his way,before his work of old.
    I was set up from everlasting from the beginning before the earth was.
    when there were no depths,I was brought forth,when there were no fountains abounding with water.


    kawikaan 22-24 Si Jehova ang gumawa sa akin bilang pasimula ng paglikha niya,ang pinakauna sa lahat ng nagawa niya noong sinaunang panahon.noong wala pang malalim na katubigan ipinanganak na ako noong wala pang mga bukal na nag-uumapaw sa tubig.

    col 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

  148. si cristo po ay may pasimula kasi ipinanganak sya ng Diyos.

    mas unang umiral si kay sa mga anghel.
    mas unang umiral si jesus kay sa mga langit,physical na langit at sa lupa. kaya sabi ng talata na sinipi ko. ang pinakauna sa lahat ng nagawa nya. kaya nga begotten son sya .dahil under nya ang mga anghel.umiral ang mga anghel dahil sa kanya.

    sa gen 1:1 naging master worker din si jesus jan.

    1. (si cristo po ay may pasimula kasi ipinanganak sya ng Diyos.

      mas unang umiral si kay sa mga anghel.
      mas unang umiral si jesus kay sa mga langit,physical na langit at sa lupa. kaya sabi ng talata na sinipi ko. ang pinakauna sa lahat ng nagawa nya. kaya nga begotten son sya .dahil under nya ang mga anghel.umiral ang mga anghel dahil sa kanya.

      sa gen 1:1 naging master worker din si jesus Jan)

      Ur just entitle to ur opinion.
      And u keep pressing that Jesus was the product of creation.

      Didn't God say to the people: You shall have no other gods beforea Me.

      With ur convoluted type of doctrine Jesus was made god.

      I want u to read Phil2 and concentrate what it says,

      5Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus:

      6Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

      7but emptied Himself,
      taking the form of a servant,
      being made in human likeness.

      8And being found in appearance as a man,

      He humbled Himself
      and became obedient to death—
      even death on a cross.

      If there's only one god, how do u appreciate Pauls revelation?

    2. Existing in the form of God.

      How did u assert that he was just a creation? And not just a creation he is also God almost equal with the father and while delivering the precepts against creating another god to the people, here it is ur God creating another god. What is the purpose of this act?

      Doktrina nio absurd!

  149. kaya sa amin ang nasa genesis 1:26,27 mag-ama sila jan.hindi mag asawa.

    1. (kaya sa amin ang nasa genesis 1:26,27 mag-ama sila jan.hindi mag asawa.)

      26Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itselfc and every creature that crawls upon it.”

      27So God created man in His own image;

      in the image of God He created him;

      male and female He created them.

      ,point it here wheres the father and son as the creator?

      Ur really avoiding the true nature of God.

  150. sabi mo: cnabi ni jehova n sya lng ang alpha at omega.bkt c qristo alpa omega din?

    sagot:si jehova lang ang alpha at omega

    si jesus hindi ang alpha at omega. ang angkop na titulo niya ay ang "ang una at ang huli. sa apocalipsis 1:17,18, 2:8.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. (si jesus hindi ang alpha at omega. ang angkop na titulo niya ay ang "ang una at ang huli. sa apocalipsis 1:17,18, 2:8.)

      Ur using little dumb argument.
      Alpha & Omega are two words written in the Greek form. However, if we translate it in English, it translated as the first and the last.
      So all in all language translation matters and we're not employing this type of argument in order to confuse the reader.

      Ur argument fails. It won't work.

  151. sabi mo: kung c Qristo ang genesis at revelation,saan n ngyun c Jehova? wala ng lugar,dpo ba?)

    sino ang nagsabing walang lugar si jehova?

    hebrew 8:1-2 study bible translation.

    now this is the main point of what we are saying we have such a high priest as this and he has sat down at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens 2.a minister of the holy place and of the true tent,which jehovah set up,and not man.

    jesus is the servant or minister of jehovah God. sa madaling salita si Jehovah ang naka upo sa trono.
    si jesus ay nagiging right hand lamang.
    at high priest.

    act 7:55 but he,being full of holy spirit,gazed into heaven and caught sight of God's glory and of jesus standing at God's right hand.

    ang book of act na ang nagsulat si lucas.nagpatoto na si jesus ang lugar ay nasa kanan ng kamay.

    sino kaya itong Diyos na nagbigay ng authority ni jesus na maging kanan kamay niya?


    psalm 110:1 study bible translation

    Jehovah saith unto my lord ,until i make thine enemies thy footstool.

    ang book of mathew nagpapatunay na si jesus ang panginoon ni David.

    basahin rin natin ang revelation kung may lugar ba si jehovah?

    rev 16:7 study bible translation

    yes,Jehovah God,the almighty,true and righteos are your judgements.

    rev 4:11 jehovah our God,to receive the glory and the honor and the power,bacause you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.

    kahit sa 66 books may lugar si jehovah hindi lang sa genesis at revelation.

    1. tanong:

      kung si kristo nga' ang mother na bumaba sa langit,tapos naging anak sa lupa,magbalik nya sa langit anong papel nya asawa ng Diyos o anak? ths s the power of logic.

    2. (kung si kristo nga' ang mother na bumaba sa langit,tapos naging anak sa lupa,magbalik nya sa langit anong papel nya asawa ng Diyos o anak? ths s the power of logic)

      Nuba mbbasa natin sa Rev12?

      5And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.a And her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

      The woman in Gen 3:15 & the woman in Rev 12 are the same & both are prophesied as the church that Jesus built.

      Remember, Jesus built a church symbolic for his body and stood as the mother on earth.

      He built it in memory of the once office that he assumed in the Genesis time.

    3. (jesus is the servant or minister of jehovah God. sa madaling salita si Jehovah ang naka upo sa trono.
      si jesus ay nagiging right hand lamang.
      at high priest.)

      The new testament was written in Greek and there was no trace of Jehovah seems to have found.

      One of the Jewish names for God was YHWH, referred to as the Tetragrammaton. The Old Testament contains YHWH over 6,000 times, yet the Tetragrammaton never appears in the New Testament. It has not been found in a single ancient Greek New Testament manuscript.

      Inclusion of the word Jehovah in the New Testament of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is one of the most important errors in Watchtower theology, as it:

      Changes the meaning of key Bible passages
      Undermines the integrity of the Bible
      Leads Jehovah’s Witnesses to believe that any person not using the word Jehovah cannot have a personal relationship with God
      Is used by the Watchtower to justify people not using the word Jehovah cannot be saved.

      When Jesus cried out at the cross he never mentioned Jehovah as an example that this name doesn't constitute salvation.

      So are we to follow Jesus or the Jw?

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